All Legal and brief

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The gender divide

Just what are the differences between men and women who present in the dental chair – and what do they mean for you? Peter Baker investigates

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In their shoes

Using three likely scenarios, Christine Park considers the challenges the dental team faces when handling child protection

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‘A natural oral health champion’

Your role as a dental nurse has never been so important in the delivery of dentistry. Here, Dental Nursing catches up with Sara Hurley, Chief Dental Officer for England, to hear why she believes it's all about ‘communication, communication, communication’

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Speaking volumes

Mouths reveal a lot about our overall wellbeing, so the dental team is perfectly placed to act as gatekeepers to many pathways to better health

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Confidence in confidentiality

Being aware of your patients’ confidential information does not just mean their medical details, as Hoda Wassif explains

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Recognising human factors and minimising error

Brennan PA et al (2016) Good people who try their best can have problems: recognition of human factors and how to minimise error. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg54: 3–7. doi:10.1016/j.bjoms.2015.09.023

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Safeguarding: the five-point plan for dental practices

To help ensure that safeguarding of children and adults is fully understood and carried through into daily practice this article focuses on a five-point plan to ensure your practice is well prepared and responsive to the safeguarding needs of children, young people and adults

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Whistleblowing: putting patients first

Attitudes to whistleblowing are changing in all businesses, including dentistry. Dental nurses need to know when to metaphorically put the whistle to their lips and blow, as Dave Hancock explains

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How to communicate better with patients and colleagues

The need for excellent communication skills in practice is often overlooked—they are not a core CPD topic, for example—or regarded as the preserve of receptionists. Dave Hancock considers why dental nurses need to be first-rate communicators