A new guide that helps support dental team in their mental health and wellbeing launches today (18 January), known as Blue Monday and purported to be 'the most depressing day of the year'.

The guide Wellbeing Support for the Dental Team has been created for all dental team members, including students and non-clinical roles.

It outlines to dental professionals how to assess mental health and wellbeing and provides resources for self-care, including a list of the range of support organisations available.

It is commonly acknowledged that whilst dental professionals recognise the importance of mental health and wellbeing for patients, they may not always recognise or prioritise their own mental health needs.

Shalini Nayee, a specialist registrar, took the lead on putting the guide together as part of her management project in collaboration with a steering group involving the BDA Benevolent Fund's general manager, Laura Hannon and its chair Ros Keeton, the chairman and advisor at the Dentists' Health Support Trust, Ros McMullan (past BDA president), Pepe Shirlaw (King's College, London) and Sandra White (Public Health England).
Stress is common amongst the dental profession and is a key driver of burnout and mental ill health. These problems can affect individuals at any stage of their career.

For a variety of reasons, there has traditionally been a reluctance amongst the dental profession to speak about and seek support for their personal problems, including mental health.

Wellbeing Support for the Dental Team offers simple and practical step to know where to find the support needed.

Simply visit www.supportfordentalteams.org to download a free copy.
