Natalie Marruci explores what a dental nurse needs to reach their career goals.

In the world of dentistry precision is key and patient well-being is the ultimate priority. This article aims to explore the crucial elements necessary for achieving excellence in this profession for a dental nurse.


Investing in your personal growth requires time, effort, and resources allowing you to enhance your understanding and skills. Personal growth leads to more long term success, developing long-term relationships as well as job satisfaction. Additionally, investing in yourself can lead to increased confidence and self-esteem, as you see the positive changes and progress you’re making.

Whilst most investments come with a cost, there are avenues where there are no fees. Asking questions and overcoming the fear of doing so is a fantastic way to learn from others with more experience. Certain professionals in the industry offer their time and expertise including myself, and are always happy to respond to any queries from others who have reached out. I’ve personally gained significant insights simply by networking with others who share similar roles. Social media is also a great way to network and there are many forums out there that are free to learn from. By engaging with various posts and comments, you can acquire insights into specific subjects and even actively participate by posting queries yourself.

There’s a vast community of professionals eager to offer assistance and engage in helpful discussion. When seeking factual information rather than opinions, it’s crucial to verify the accuracy of the provided information. I recommend ensuring it can be supported by documentation or directed towards reliable sources. Lastly, observing experienced individuals in roles you aspire to take will give valuable insight into the role.

Being a member of your professional association, the British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN), can mark the initial phase of career advancement. Associations often provide the latest updates, networking opportunities and CPD events, most of which are included in your membership. Having such a membership on your CV also shows your commitment to the profession.

Lastly, there are additional courses and post-qualification opportunities available for further growth and development. Given that these options involve financial investments, it’s crucial to conduct research and select the course that you feel is most suitable. Ensure to ask other colleagues/ peers for recommendations, as well as checking out the course providers’ reviews.

When we continue to improve our skills and refresh our knowledge, we become better professionals who can make a career successful.


Striving for excellence through commitment involves dedication to learning as well as committing to the practice in which you are employed. Of course, a big factor effecting this commitment is the practice you are working in, including the employer’s attitude towards supporting development (I will go on to discuss this further in the article). Ultimately, you are responsible for your own learning and success.

Committing to your learning includes various levels of dedication. This can range from fulfilling mandatory CPD hours to embarking on a post-qualification journey, which may take several months. Prioritising the completion of necessary GDC hours is vital as it is a requirement for your registration. There’s little room for excuses in meeting this. As previously mentioned, while selecting the appropriate course is crucial, it’s equally important to ensure you devote the time and dedication to see it through to completion.

Commitment often involves a strong emotional attachment and a willingness to endure challenges, setbacks, and sometimes sacrifices to uphold responsibilities. Unlike investment, commitment is more about staying dedicated and loyal to something regardless of the immediate returns. Upholding a strong work ethic characterised by ongoing hard work and readiness will enhance performance greatly and is likely to be recognised by employers, resulting in positive benefits.

Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction can be achieved through various means, as it often depends on individual preferences and circumstances. Job satisfaction is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, when you’re enjoying your work, you’re more likely to feel motivated, engaged, and fulfilled in your work. This in turn can lead to higher levels of productivity and performance, benefiting both you and your employer. Job satisfaction can contribute to your overall wellbeing, as it reduces stress and promotes a positive mindset. When you enjoy your role, you are far more likely to stay committed and motivated, leading to increased job stability.

As mentioned earlier in this article, finding the right practice is key. Begin by outlining your goals and assess whether they are attainable within your current practice. Initiate open dialogue with managers and employers, expressing your desire for growth and skill development. This could potentially lead to opportunities within your current workplace, such as assuming a head dental nurse position, becoming a treatment coordinator, or taking on additional responsibilities like conducting audits or managing orders. However, not all practices may offer such developmental roles, so it is important to check first.

Embracing constructive feedback from tutors, peers, or employers, acknowledging areas for improvement, and contemplating ways to enhance your skills are key practices for continuous improvement and pursuing excellence.

Work-life balance

A good work-life balance refers to effectively managing the demands of your job, while also maintaining time for personal hobbies and time with family and friends. It involves prioritising both professional responsibilities and personal wellbeing. Achieving a healthy balance involves managing time, setting boundaries, and prioritising activities which make you feel good. Gaining a healthy balance to suit your needs can lead to reduced stress and both personal and professional success. Making time for activities that promote relaxation and health is key in keeping a positive attitude. Above all, maintaining a balanced life is the greatest key to success!
