Mark Fryer, leader of Cumberland Council, has expressed deep concern following the announcement that a dental practice in Cockermouth will cease to provide NHS treatments, further reducing the already scarce availability of NHS dentistry in the area.

The council is particularly concerned about the long-term impact of this shift away from NHS dentistry. There is a growing fear that without adequate intervention, residents may forgo necessary dental care due to cost, leading to further health implications in the future.

Mark said, "This latest development is alarming and represents a significant step back toward a period reminiscent of Victorian health inequalities. At a time when our community is grappling with the cost of living crisis, the expectation for individuals to shoulder the financial burden of private dental care is untenable. It undermines the very principle of accessible healthcare for all.

“Dental health is not a luxury but a fundamental aspect of overall health and wellbeing. It is distressing to witness the erosion of accessible dental care, especially in a developed society. The government and health authorities have to urgently address this issue. It is imperative we explore all possible solutions to reinstate and ensure the provision of NHS dental services in Cumberland and beyond.

“We cannot underestimate the severity of this situation. The health of our community is our number one priority as a council. We must work collectively to find innovative and sustainable solutions to ensure that every resident of Cumberland has access to the dental care they need and deserve. It is becoming increasingly clear the current models of public sector health delivery in this area are not working for our residents."
